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OTTOCENTO Vol 2 Dimitri Ashkenazy - Jean Paul Greub

The combination of clarinet and guitar is far less common than the more frequently encountered ones of flute-guitar or violin-guitar, even though there are references to it already at the end of the 18th century. Dimitri Ashkenazy and Jean-Paul Greub met in 2001, and parallel to what became an extraordinary friendship they shared an interest in rediscovering their duo's repertoire as well as continuing their search for concert material by commissioning new works. This undertaking led to concerts in Switzerland, Germany and Russia, playing works from three centuries both original and transcribed, many of them premieres.


Franz Schubert contributed significantly to Romanticism by creating works that became a vessel for the most intimate sentiments of the human soul, especially through the use of the aphoristic forms of Romantic pianism, true keys to the compositional experimentation of the time. Among these, the six Moments Musicaux D 780 certainly represent one of the highest points in the expressive condensation process carried out by the Viennese composer, who worked on them repeatedly between 1823 and 1828.


The aim of this CD project was to record and popularize the forgotten piano pieces that were created in just a few years: 1910-1917. Although Debussy's impressionistic Preludes were written at a similar time, the pieces selected for this album are of considerable value. They are a wonderful example of the post-Chopin legacy, presented in three different assumptions. Although all the composers: Jan Skrzydlewski, Jadwiga Sarnecka and Raul Koczalski were excellent pianists, their prelude works showed different features

Nikolai Medtner - Violin Sonatas

Violinist Keiko Yanagita and Pianist Misako Osada-Holt play Nicolai Medtner's Violin Sonatas No. 1 and 2, which possess a beautiful utopian world. Keiko Yanagita and Misako Osada-Holt met each other during their studies seventeen years ago in Germany. After meeting again in Japan, they were both drawn to its beauty and was excited for its most ambitious technicality.

PETER SEABOURNE My Song in October

A powerful and wide-ranging disc pairing two autumnal works by British composer Peter Seabourne. The composer’s widely praised “Steps” piano cycle series now runs to ten volumes, almost 200 pieces – surely one of the most significant piano works of our time.


MARCO ALBRIZIO was born in Rome in 1961, he graduated with highest marks from the Conservatory of S.Cecilia under the guide of Anna Maria Martinelli and then studied with Sergio Cafaro. He also graduated cum laude in Musicology at the University of Bologna with a thesis on the "Constant Compositive Elements in Mozart’s Piano Sonatas". On the same topic, he participated as speaker at the II National Conference of Musical Analysis in 2001, Guest Lecturer at the Assumption University of Bangkok and as Professor in post-graduate Masterclasses in Musical Analysis at the University of Calabria.

ELEGIES and ECHOES -Elizaveta Agrafenina, Dimitri Malignan

Dedicated to bringing back to life the music of lesser-known and unjustifiably forgotten composers who, despite their huge and indisputable talent, are nowadays neglected because of historical and geopolitical reasons that had nothing to do with their musical abilities, Elegies and Echoes presents the works of four composers, born in Eastern Europe and of Jewish descent, who had to endure different shapes of persecution and threats during their lifetimes.


One of the most important event in Chicago in 2023 has been the recital of Yulia Lipmanovich at Studebaker Theater. SHEVA is proud to release this magic performance in CD and streaming.

ZOLTÁN ONCZAY - Soloncello

Zoltán Onczay considers it his mission to promote Hungarian and contemporary music at home and abroad, and he has premiered many works written especially for him. Among the many awards he has received, the most prestigious are the Yamaha Award from the European Yamaha Music Foundation, the Martinu Award from the Semmering Summer Academy, as well as the Wiener-Classic and Kodály Awards.

The Golden Age of Violin Playing - Oleg Pokhanovski, violin and piano

Oleg Pokhanovski stands as an embodiment of virtuosity, not only as a violinist but also as a pianist and arranger. Over the course of his illustrious career, he has transformed more than 200 pieces for various instruments, including the violin and piano. Furthermore, he has graced over 2000 stages as both a soloist and chamber musician, garnering critical acclaim. Critics often draw parallels between him and the legendary Paganini, lauding Pokhanovski's playing as “brilliant”, “phenomenal”, and “extraordinary”.


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