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The aim of this CD project was to record and popularize the forgotten piano pieces that were created in just a few years: 1910-1917. Although Debussy's impressionistic Preludes were written at a similar time, the pieces selected for this album are of considerable value. They are a wonderful example of the post-Chopin legacy, presented in three different assumptions. Although all the composers: Jan Skrzydlewski, Jadwiga Sarnecka and Raul Koczalski were excellent pianists, their prelude works showed different features In Skrzydlewski's case, dominates a vocal idiom included in the extended piano texture, filled with beautiful cantilena phrases and outbursts of passion. In Sarnecka's case, dominates a personal expressionism and inspiring reflection filled with darkness and a search for new sounds, e.g. polytonal harmonic combinations, while in Koczalski's case, the Preludes are references to images (the composer loved to take photographs), but also have deep internal content. Koczalski’s Preludes take the form of a philosophical messages…
The pieces selected for the album were not composed in the spirit of brilliant virtuosity. On the contrary, they are an almost "poetic" messages, intended to convey the intimate emotions and the beauty of the piano sound and its colors. For this reason, the album can be called  a "contemplative album”..

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