Born in January, 2009, Pavan-Canale Duo started in the beginning as a research work which leads the two musicians to explore some compositions of the flute and piano repertory among the most complex and often neglected ones......
as well as an in-depth study about the traditional repertory of the flute and piano duo; in fact an important part of their activity consist in performing contemporary music, written especially for them too, as well as joining the traditional ensemble’s repertory.
Chiara Pavan and Eugenia Canale won various and prestigious National and International competitions, such as the “Premio Nazionale delle Arti” (Triest and Rome), “Master dei talenti musicali” (Turin), the “Gaetano Zinetti Chamber Music Competition” in 2011, the “Master dei talenti musicali”
(Turin), the “Concorso Società Umanitaria” (Milan) and the “Luigi Nono Prize” (Venaria, Turin) for instance.
Since November 2010 they attended various lessons taught by M°Masi in Florence and by M°Ancillotti in Lugano’s Musichochschule.
The group often performs abroad: it has played in Budapest, Marseilles, Zagreb, Colony, Athens, La Valletta and for this reason it is nowadays of the most active Flute and Piano duo in Italy and in Europe. The duo members are also very active as teachers and in giving seminars or workshops.
Chiara Pavan and Eugenia Canale won various and prestigious National and International competitions, such as the “Premio Nazionale delle Arti” (Triest and Rome), “Master dei talenti musicali” (Turin), the “Gaetano Zinetti Chamber Music Competition” in 2011, the “Master dei talenti musicali”
(Turin), the “Concorso Società Umanitaria” (Milan) and the “Luigi Nono Prize” (Venaria, Turin) for instance.
Since November 2010 they attended various lessons taught by M°Masi in Florence and by M°Ancillotti in Lugano’s Musichochschule.
The group often performs abroad: it has played in Budapest, Marseilles, Zagreb, Colony, Athens, La Valletta and for this reason it is nowadays of the most active Flute and Piano duo in Italy and in Europe. The duo members are also very active as teachers and in giving seminars or workshops.