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GARY HIGGINSON, Scenes and Messages

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Gary Higginson was born in West Bromwich which, although then semi-rural, also forms part of the industrial Black Country. His first musical experience, listening to his father’s constant singing at home, led him to joining the local church choir at the age of seven, the next year beginning piano lessons with the choirmaster. The constant presence of the church and its music has been a strong influence on him ever since and led to singing in an early performance of Britten’s War Requiem. Gary Higginson was born in West Bromwich which, although then semi-rural, also forms part of the industrial Black Country. His first musical experience, listening to his father’s constant singing at home, led him to joining the local church choir at the age of seven, the next year beginning piano lessons with the choirmaster. The constant presence of the church and its music has been a strong influence on him ever since and led to singing in an early performance of Britten’s War Requiem. His first attempt at composition was made when he was eleven and he has not stopped now for over fifty years.

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