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XENIA DEVIATKINA LOH debut on Sheva Contemporary

According to the Cambridge dictionary, “soliloquy” is a speech in a play which the characterspeaks to himself or herself
or to the people watching rather to the other characters. When I ponder over the world solloquy, a loney sensation encomparasses me. Tenderils of Shakespeare also fitter trough my consciiouseness., but the main impression of lineliness embrace me. Soliloquy i ssolitary. It is like an oratorio. It is raw,naked,and honest. There are no barriers between the speaker and its audience. there is onlu truth. When I understock this porject two years ago,, I was not envisioning a dedaration of my fundamental profile or life. i just simply had a desire to give my listeners a compilation of works that was a representation of me. Assembling a program that was the embodiment of me, meant choosing works of contemporary era. It meant choosing works of the contemporary era. It meant finding repertoire that evoked the most passion and ebulience with me. It meant disclosing my never ending relationship with living composers, some being colleagues or friends, and some whom are merely living greats. It also meant sharing with everyone my origins and birthplace. Hence, I chose the following composers to be apart of my musical oration.

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